Friday, February 29, 2008

RRR Helps In The Effort To Widen LMR

Dear Coach Ilg,
Your writing is poetic and lyrical and the letter looks great! Thanks
again so much for writing it. I think the support and enthusiasm of the
local cycling clubs will certainly strengthen our application.

Martin Ince
Multi-Modal Planner
Flagstaff Metropolitan Planning Organization/City of Flagstaff
Flagstaff, Arizona 86001


February 27, 2008

Mr. Kevin Burke, City Manager
City of Flagstaff
211 West Aspen Avenue
Flagstaff, Arizona 86001

Mr. Burke,
I am writing in support of the City of Flagstaff’s application for an Alternative Transportation on Parks and Public Lands grant to help fund the construction of shoulders on Lake Mary Road in Flagstaff.

Red Rock Racing is Flagstaff’s native and only remaining cycling team that is 100% local-sponsored. With nearly 40 devout racing and recreational cyclists on our Team, we remain devoted to promoting a positive image of cycling to all those who interact with us. We are focused on creating the conditions necessary for riders to improve their fitness and cycling skills in a positive environment.

We use Lake Mary Road (LMR) as a precious part of our Mission Statement. LMR is to us what a yoga studio is to yogis; that slice of heavenly road is our sacred gathering place. LMR is the site of our informal training rides, regular club rides, and is the esteemed venue of the Arizona State Road Racing Championships! Each Saturday morning, our training ride attracts 10-80 cyclists given the time of season. Many cyclists travel from out of town and spend a lot of money in Flagstaff each weekend in order to partake of our LMR rides.

Adding shoulders to Lake Mary Road would be a tremendous benefit to cyclists in Flagstaff. The shoulders would significantly improve safety for the cyclists who already use Lake Mary Road, and it would allow more cyclists of all levels to use the road safely and comfortably for fun, training, and commuting. Currently, scores of cyclists that are too afraid of the shoulder-less section of LMR waste gas and increase traffic load by driving out to “the mailboxes” in order to alleviate the likelihood of car vs. bicycle accidents; an all-too-frequent effect of the current condition of LMR.

Thank you for the opportunity to comment.


Steve Ilg, Chairperson
Red Rock Racing


Sunday, February 10, 2008

Sedona - All the Cyclist Have Gone to Sedona

Hi Everybody,

Red Rock Racing Club Rides: Sedona: Proposed

Saturday A.M. Group Road Ride: Page Springs, Jerome, Mingus, Etc.
-Carpooling from central location in FLG-Cosmic Cycles or a coffee house
-Departure times TBA based on input

Sunday A.M. Group Dirt Ride (MTB): All the goodness Sedona has to Offer.
-Carpooling from central location in FLG-Cosmic Cycles or a coffee house
-Departure times TBA based on input
-Weather and Trail Condition Dependent

Also a few of us head down to Sedona a few times in the week, mainly the afternoon. Let me know if you are interested in carpooling.

E-mail gary at redrockracing dot org or gdp007 at yahoo dot com if interested.

Friday, February 08, 2008

Where Have All The Cyclists Gone?

Our dearly beloved "Schultzy" to dozens and dozens of mountain bikers on any given spring, summer, and autumn day wears - in my opinion - her most beautiful, her most seductive wardrobe of all right now; in the middle of a most graceful winter...
c'mon with me my Noble Teammates, as i break trail up to the Lincoln Logs and back...

...the section just before the Aspen Roller...even three days after the storm, no outdoor athlete had even broken trail! Schultzy was a mere wrinkle beneath a heaving mass of snow...

...betcha you cannot even tell what part of Schultzy this picture was taken!

...Lincoln Logs? what Lincoln Logs?

How do you know it's winter in Flag? when it takes you 2.5 hours round trip to get from the Schultz trail head to the Lincoln Logs and back!

Get off the bike and onto the skis or snowshoes! it's BEAUTIFUL and GREAT CROSS TRAINING RIGHT NOW!